Role Models + Whoring + Insomnia

I've be wondering lately about who I look up to; who, other than my family, has affected the way I live my life. The question is actually hard for me to answer. After much thought I finally founded someone who had a great influence on me.

Gilda Radner was one of the original cast members so Saturday Nigh Live in 1975. Even though she battled with bulimia during her time on the show was one of three original cast members who avoided drugs; like cocaine. She was married to Gene Wilder, the original Willie Wonka, for three years before she died of ovarian cancer in 1989 at the age of 42. Her death raised awareness of ovarian cancer and Wilder started many cancer foundations in her name.

I can't really explain why Gilda has had an influence on me. She was just a great and unique person.


You should read my stories!!!!!

Life After Death
X-Men fan-fiction

It's the sequel to Accidents Can Happen.

Lorna Dane left the past where it belonged; behind her.
But sometimes, the past isn't easily left behind

The Joker and The Thief
Joker fan-fiction

I made my living as a small time thief for the mob. Cars, identities, bank account numbers, credit cards, guns, police evidence. You name it, I stole it. The pay was good. It had to have been; other wise I wouldn't have done it for such a long time. Still, I wanted out. I wanted out before I got hard time in prison. Before I got killed.

But we can't always get what we want.

Chasing the Night
Aro/Twilight fan-fiction

I didn't fall in love.
I was pushed


I haven't slept in about 36 hours and I'm still wide awake.
I need some stories to read!

June 3rd, 2010 at 08:59am