Lightning Storms and Time Machines

There's lightning flashing outside of my window.
Every five seconds.
I've been watching it for about an hour now with Never Shout Never, The Beatles, Secondhand Serenade and various soft songs playing on repeat softly in the background.
And, honestly, it's the most beautiful thing in the world.
Whether it be one huge clash, the kind that illuminates the whole damn sky and makes me blind for just a minute, or a delicate little sliver that you always see in the pictures, each moment is just as, if not more, enchanting as the last.
It's breathtaking.

It's times like these that I appreciate the most. The simple times, where I can sit for hours and get lost in my thoughts with a light show outside to keep me company. Where the only interruption is the occasional roll of thunder in the distance. It's the only moment of peace I've had in a long time.

I wish everyone could learn to appreciate the simple things and the moments that mother nature give us. I wish fancy technology and expensive toys weren't required to keep this generation happy because, frankly, I'm disgusted. Not only with my peers and everyone who relies so much on technology, but with myself as well. Because I know I couldn't last a day without my phone. But isn't that a common thing in todays youth? Is it not somewhat of a requirement for everyone today to have a cellphone, iPod, and computer with multiple accessories or applications for each one?
I wish things were still simple. I hear stories about what my mom and grandparents did when they were my age, like actually playing outside and hanging out at the local ice cream parlor and playing all kinds of pranks on people, and I want nothing more than to live one day like that. Without fear, without worry. Just freedom. Just peace.

Anyone have a time machine?
June 3rd, 2010 at 09:12am