Read this :D

Hey mibba, it's been a while since I've actually written one of these journals. Actually, I lied. I write them often, I just never post them. :P Why? I don't know...

Before I get any further in this journal, I'd like to apologize for any spelling and gramaticle errors that may occur. I don't have the spell check (because I'm on my sh*tty laptop.)

So, let me start off by saying that my parents busted my balls (I'm a girl, it's a figure of speech, I do not, in anyway, have balls).

Basicly I'm going to be on a short leesh for a very long time. No phone, no friends, I don't think I'm even supposed to be on the computer, but I'm not one to follow my grounding rules.


I've realized that mibba is different. It's like a completely different place.

I remember when I first joined, or started posting journals, people would get a little pissed when I posted multiple (not of the same journals but many journals and they were still on the first page of the journals section.) I see this everyday and no one ever says anything about it - that I know of, that is.

Also, all the stories posted on mibba have to do with the same stuff. I don't want to see another story about vampires or how you fuck your step brother (ew?). That's what quizilla is for; posting poorly writtin stories about insest with mythological creatures and step siblings. Mibba is for writters to share their ideas, not remakes of twilight.

I don't mean to offend anyone, in anyway. But seriously? No.

What happened?


On Tuesday we built these rockets made out of 2 liter pop bottles and duct tape. Today we got to launch them! :D

It was amazing. Me and my partner for the project couldn't think of a name for ours, so of course, our original minds came up with "No Name."

Quite fantastic, don't you think?

Well anyways, my teacher, Mr. George (he's totally hot, but that's not the point) asked us if he could pronounce it "No Name`" (No Nah-me).

It was wayyy more cool then our name so we're like "HELL YEAH!" Except we didn't say "hell", we would have gotton in trouble....

Our rocket had a three way tie for third place on the distance! And got second place in the pagent! Yes, we had a contest of whos rocket was most pretty, or best decorated. :D

Can I just say that I love colorful duct tape?


So, I'm jsut going to end it at that. Remember, in no way, did I intend to offend anyone about the frequent journal posting/the raging (ragging?) on stories.

June 4th, 2010 at 12:27am