Test of Time

Why is it that when you want something to happen, it doesnt.
Why does it seem that the world is moving in slow motion, but youre moving so fast.
It seems like everything never happens the way you plan it to, you wish something would just make all your dreams come true. Of course that never happens, and what really happens? How do we know that our whole lives arent just some big dream, really how do we know that we arent all in commas and this is the life we wanted.
How is it that we can just sit, and wait, for that one person, that one special person. How can we just sit and wait for one person to offer something to you, or call you back? How is it that sometimes only one thing in the whole world matters to you, and when the thought of it crosses your mind you smile?

Everything is a waste of time, sleeping, eating. Why do we do it? To live? I would rather hang out with my friends, or that one person who I wish would return my calls.

People just sit, and wait. All their lives, and they expect something is going to happen when they put absolutely no effort into what they want. Yet the people that put so much effort into what they want, most the time they dont get what they want.

So life is just a waiting game, its us versus them.
Life is a test of time.
The clock must be broken, because time is at a stand still.
June 4th, 2010 at 03:46am