my wasted heart will always love you.

Has the Jonas Brother fever really died down?
Seriously though, remember when the sun would shine and the Jonas Brothers popped up everywhere? Before 'Burnin' Up' and 'Lines, Vines and Trying Times'. People would fight over who is the better Jonas and there was Against Kevin Hate Campaigns. Has that really died? Or when there were thousands of fanfics written for the Jonas Brothers and before the Twilight fever even started. I miss those times.
Do you think the fever has died down? I hope not.

Exams anyone?
I have had exams for the past week and they will continue until the end of next week. They say that exams don't really matter in Year 10, but i feel like i still have to try my hardest.
English and Psychology were in this past week; both easy.
Maths, Physical Education and Business Studies to go.
Anyone else have exams?

Social networking.
I can handle social networking. I can handle tumblr, twitter and facebook. I'm over facebook now though, it's just not that exciting as it has been before. To me, facebook is dead.
Tumblr is amazing and twitter is also. I can not get enough of them. That's all.

Come to Australia?
So, some of my favourite bands haven't even visited Australia yet. Tokio Hotel, Jonas Brothers, etc. At times, i think it's unfair. But then, i just hope they will tour someday before they finish their musical careers. You know? Have any of your favourite bands not visited your country?

Melbourne Zoo soon!
So, soon enough i will be visiting the Melbourne Zoo again. I've been there many times before, but it's just so exciting. I get to visit the baby elephant for the first time and i'm going with my best friend since Prep. It really couldn't get any better. I've been to many zoos before, but Melbourne Zoo, it's so amazing. Krefelder Zoo in Germany comes close though.

Random Q&A
1. What are your thoughts on the two bands i mentioned?
2. Do you enjoy school? Or do you think it's a waste of time?
3. Do you follow the AFL, Australians?
4. Ever been to Bondi Beach? The waves are amazing.
5. Thoughts on Twilight? Personally, i like the books, but i cannot stand the movies.
June 4th, 2010 at 06:57am