New place for the summer

Ok. So this summer I'm in Germany!! it's 10:22am in Germany right now So I'm a little bit tired.
Since I'm going to be in germany and i'm 90% sure im leaving july 2nd (my 14th birthday) Or i might stay longer. I don't know but while I'm here I wont be able to get onto mibba :[ so I'm sorry you wont hear from me for a while... so I'm sorry if you normally talk to me. But oh well. My friend, parker is here in germany as well so I'll know someone at least!

haha. Now that i think about it..I'm tired! so I think after I'm done writing this I'm going to go to bed, yea that's sounds good to me. teehee. Today was pretty fun got to be on a plane for hours! my butt fell asleep for while. But the flight people were nice :] So that was nice.
June 4th, 2010 at 10:28am