Typing and late night tv

So yeah, show of hands; how many people have noticed you get a more interesting typing style after you stay up for eighteen hours or so??
lol, I'm not saying you get BETTER at english, just that it can get pretty amusing, both typed and vocally.
For example, I was watching a tv show and there was a bomb about to go off. Instead of rooting for the guy to make it, I say something along the lines of, "FLY LIKE SUPERMAN!"
Of course, at that point, everyone else in the room gave me a rather interesting look.
They varied between disbelief and confusion to annoyance and looks of, "Dumbass."
^_^ It's fun to be random.

Speaking of random, here's a little blurb that I stole from my sis who got it from something else..... :
I ran up the door,
Opened to stairs,
Said my pajamas,
And put on my prayers,
Turned off my bed,
Tumbled into my light,
And all because he kissed me Good Night.

Isn't that ridiculous???
Maybe it's only ridiculous to me because of the time and how long I've been up though.....who can tell>????? ^_-
Talk to yall later luvs!! ^_^
*cackle* until next time.
June 4th, 2010 at 11:19am