The Summoning, Awakening, n Reckoning

The best books ever! If you haven't read them they're called The Darkest Powers Series(The Summoning, The Awakening, and the Reckoning) by Kelley Armstrong.

They're so original! It's bout this girl named Chloe Saunders who sees ghosts and is sent to a house--the Lyle House-- full of troubled teenagers, but really they all have abilities. It's amazing! I can't really explain everything without giving it away. If you don't care about knowing everything, then keep reading. If not, stop HERE.

Anyway, I'm obsessed with these books! I just finished the Reckoning, and there's another one called The Gathering, but I don't think it has to do with the previous characters.

But the best thing about this story is that Chloe(necromancer protagonist, 15 yrs old) likes Derek(werewolf guy she meets at the Lyle House) not because of his looks but personality. In the Summoning, Dereky is still struggling with his Change into a werewolf, he hasn't made the full connection to being a wolf. The Awakening he has more problems with it, but anyway...

In the first book, he's got greasy hair and acne(which clears up, but still). He's rude and doesn't really talk much and is always coming in at wrong times. Because in the first book, you want Chloe to like Simon, Derek's adoptive brother.

By the Awakening you kinda like Derek better and toy with the idea of him and Chloe being together. Plus he sweetens up, too.

By the last book, though, you can barely stand it! Simon's the one in the way now and it's horribly frustrating! Derek's all about saving other people and not caring about himself, because he's a werewolf, but Chloe gets frustrated with that. By this time he's made the connection with wolf and Chloe's always with him when he's about to Change. But in the Reckoning she's mad at him when he starts to Change because she realized she didn't like Simon and liked Derek

(btw, all these books take place in two weeks, which is the cool part)

Anyway, they're just the cutest ever!! I reread all the scenes with them like a hundred times. They's just so dang awesome together! Because they're real. They like eachother without 'oh my gawd i love you so effing much!' and they still get mad at eachother and fight! It's so great!

Maybe I should make a werewolf story....I'm kinda sick of vampires, to be honest.

Anyway, my gushing of the day and Derek is the new best book character, lol
June 5th, 2010 at 01:00am