So it has come to my attention, from a reliable source, that Splice isn't what you think it's going to be. I realize this should be an article but I have never done one and I won't start...

WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS!!!! Though, I think you could have all guessed this...

I mean, come on!
It's HOLLYWOOD.... All centering around one thing...

The movie is really just incest, trans-gender, & soft core porn.
The guy that helped make the thing gets seduced by the goat legged, lizard, scorpion-tailed, girl thing. Then after sexing him up, it changes genders and rapes the female main character....
And its made from the females DNA, which technically makes it her daughter/son thing.

I was all set for this movie but after hearing about this I kinda want to know the dude who made this. Because I want to beat the shit out of him and the producer.
Especially the producer.
Because, who in the right mind thought this was a good script? I like the thought of making some sub-human thing, but as for all the rest.... really?...

Who really wanted something like this to exist?

Bandwagon time :D

1. How do you like the sound of this spoiled movie?
2. What do you want to do to the producer?
3. Any thoughts on the writer?
4. Do you still plan to watch this movie?
June 5th, 2010 at 03:42am