
I'm taking my driver's test in a little over twelve hours. Which means this time tomorrow, I'll be a fully licensed, legal driver.

Understandably, I'm kind of anxious right now. I did maneuverability practice twice today--the second time, I was dismal. I literally had three runs that I didn't knock over a cone--and I did it about forty times. I know that I'm just nervous and that tomorrow, instinct will take over and God will help me and I'll do fine and I'll pass.
I'm just nervous right now.

So...who's up for rambling? :)

There's this movie called They on television. It's kinda freaky, but the way my dad explained the plot, it seems interesting. But it's still freaky. Horror movies are not my thing, especially psychological horror movies.

Finals start Tuesday. Last day Thursday. I'm probably going to walk five miles to get ice cream afterwards, like I did last year--but this year a creepy kid will be tagging along. He told me he wants to hang out with me more. XD I'm just gonna make sure I am NOT left alone with him. ^.^

I can't wait. I still have to get through Monday, which is a regular school day. But then I'm free--I don't study for finals and I don't worry about them. I go in, I do my best, and the grade I get is the grade I get. And I have the added advantage of a 10% bonus on my final in math, English, history and science.

You know what's stupid? We have to have our lockers cleaned out totally by Monday--but half the teachers won't let you turn your books in until the day of our exams. So we have to haul around a hundred pounds of books. (Not gonna happen--I turn my books in Monday, whether or not my teachers take them.)

So, They is getting reeeally creepy. I'm barely listening and it's freaking me out.
But it's gotten my mind off the test!

Goodnight everyone, God bless you. :)
June 5th, 2010 at 04:36am