Hey, you guys ready to let the dogs out?

So, it's friday night, I'm grounded, and I'm listening to the glee soundtrack. Can things get any better? I think not. I mean I have a reason to sit on my butt all night and troll :D And I get to sleep in tomorrow. SCORE? yes.

I've basicly fell in love with Allen from The Hangover (hense the clever journal title :P). Is it a bad thing that I want to marry some one like that? (Not the looks, he looks like my dad, with lighter hair, but just his personality.)

Today I skipped school because my whole class was taking a feild trip and I didn't sign up (Thanks mom. Just kidding, it was my fault ;D) so instead I went to my aunts and helped babysit my cousins who are 1 and 2 :) I love children at that age, they're just so cute.

So how was your day?
June 5th, 2010 at 05:50am