I hate the way, I love the way.

I hate the way you just clam up when other people are around us.
I hate the way you just disappear off the face of the earth every once in a while.
I hate the way that you do things that are really really dangerous.
I hate the way you skip school all the time, and you might fail this year.
I hate the way you have so much potential, you just don't use it.
I hate the way you think you need to be exactly like your brother to impress your parents.
I hate when you don't text me for an entire day, then you text me at like 11pm.
I hate that other girls like you.
I hate when you just spontaneously show up at my house and I look like shit.
I hate that you waited SO long to ask me to be your girlfriend.
I hate how when I first started hanging out with you, you bailed on me a lot.
I hate how I can never stay mad at you.
I hate how you haven't texted me back yet.

I love how you sit and watch cartoons with me.
I love how you just show up at my house when I look like shit, and you still look at me the same way you do when I look cute.
I love when you hug me from behind.
I love how that one time I texted you saying I was craving bacon, and you showed up at my house with some.
I love when you pick me up and throw me over your shoulder, even though I say I hate it.
I love how you keep all your promises.
I love how you still pinky swear with me.
I love how our first kiss was on top of a school.
I love how you left semi formal with me within the first 15 minutes, because all I really wanted to do was run through the grass in the dark, in a fancy dress, with no shoes on.
I love how when I showed you my scars, you told me you already saw them, but were waiting for me to show you because you didn't want me to feel uncomfortable.
I love how you kissed them.
I love how polite you are to my dad.
I love how he loves you.
I love how much you love my dog.
I love how she loves you more than she loves me.
I love how you'll just lay in the grass with me and look at the sky.
I love everything about you.
I think I might love you.
June 5th, 2010 at 08:29am