Strawberry sundaes and Evil sinks

There used to be someone we could all turn to. yet lately she's been a total bitch. She's Pissed off at me for something she has no business in.

Buuut i don't wanna bitch about her because i've really just stopped caring.

My legs are killing me... i went for a run around the block and all my ligaments decided to die. so now I'm in pain every step. I should have learned my lesson last time this happened.

I'm having a really hard time with my emotions at the moment, they don't seem to like me. I'm either really down and depressed or happy and bubbly. I'm getting better at pretending everything's ok, but my best friend managed to squeeze through the iron gate. I'm failing Art, which I love to pieces, so i took it out on my beautiful hair... I just can't get ideas.. I'm so majorly stuck that i just wanna crawl into a hole and cry my eyes out...
June 5th, 2010 at 09:02am