World War Weekend, and Prom

This weekend for my History class, we "re-lived" the conditions that soldiers of the first and second World Wars had to face.

Unless their experiences included walking only 4 kilometres, running down a field while carrying sticks (guns*), and digging a trench about 4 feet deep, I'd say it wasn't a very accurate re-living.

But it was pretty fun anyway (minus the sleeping on the floor of an abandoned farmhouse part). I also have a giant welt on my arm from paintballing, but I also shot several people in the face so it all works out.

In other news, prom is on the 19th and my dress just arrived today. I love it. Here's a picture:

Click here 'cause I don't remember how to embed pictures.

In case I haven't mentioned this before, I LOVE IT. (Ignore the facial expressions of the model in the picture. Mine is a little too big so I haven't taken a picture with it on yet).

I wasn't even going to go to prom, but I'm pretty sure this dress is what changed my mind.

So what are my fellow Mibbians wearing to their proms?
June 5th, 2010 at 05:38pm