Let's all be someone else. Oh, wait, you already are two-faced. Questions?

Those people I shouldn't trust them. Not at all. Not one little bit. I wish I could stop the words from my mouth but I was just too freaking happy.

Okay so I meet this guy. I've liked this guy for three months. I don't normally have crushes because I only know moronic guys. But now I meet this guy and he is super, duper nice. Somehow, someway all she, my so called friend cares about is talking to him. She has never even met him.

She already has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend is a senior and she is a freshman. Anyone else see where this is going? I like a guy who is in the same grade as me. Can't she just be happy for once instead of stalking guys that I like and or are friends with?

That's why she isn't my best friend. I spent my entire day with my best friend and I love her for being an actual, caring person.

I'm very sad to say that I've turned into one of those teenage girls who really like that one special guy. God, I'm hate myself for being so stupid. But whatever I'll get over it. I will. I will.

Sorry for my rant.


1) Do you have a liar for a friend who only uses you to get to your male friends?
2) Have you ever had a boyfriend?
3) Did you have a good day ?
June 6th, 2010 at 03:39am