Sleepiness may overwhelm, but it doesn't mean you have to succumb

I've found that if you're running on three hours or so of sleep, if you wait you WILL get your second wind and can stay up far longer than you would've thought possible.
In fact, I think I went past fifteen hours of wakefulness a while ago.
I'm watching an old film and enjoying it immensely, although its only real purpose is to keep me awake, since I don't really want to sleep at present.
Ever have one of those days where, at a certain point, you are DEAD tired, but you refuse to sleep anyway, because your brain is too full of random thoughts? (Too much happened during the day, more so than normal)
Whatever, it doesn't really matter in the long run ^_^
Besides, it isn't like a whole lot of people read journals just for the hell of it. ^_^
lol, in any case.
Stop me if you heard this one (Not that you could XP):

There was a young lady from Niger,
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger,
When they got back from the ride,
She was inside,
And the smile was on the face of the tiger.

Ok, so I would love to keep rambling but I think I actually have a good idea for one the stories I've been working on. Maybe it's a breakthrough from this slight bout of writer's block I was suffering from......^+^
Ciao for now!
*cackles* Until next time luvies!
June 6th, 2010 at 10:13am