Melodious Discord

I guess I'm feeling a bit inspired today, but I don't think it's quite enough to write something meaningful. I'm sure we've all had those days where we just scribble in line after line before we realize there are more starts to poems and stories in those lines than the actual number of lines. I have a whole dresser drawer full of notebooks filled with half started stories and scraps of poems. Maybe I'll do something with them sometime. It would be an awful shame to let that ink fade away, after all.

I wish I could paint, let alone draw. I've heard it's an amazing outlet, and I've seen some of the ways that people express themselves through the visual medium of sketching. Sadly, my drawings look like they came straight from the fingers of a talented kindergarten student. I had that phase where I thought I would be an aspiring artist--bought sketchbooks, sketchpads, soft pastels, oil pastels, sketching pencils, the works. I would sit down, looking oh so professional...and if I was lucky, I would draw a tree. A very sad looking tree, mind you. Sure, it was a quiet way of expression, but I doubt anyone would understand what I was thinking when they saw my sketch of a very hefty dragon that looks suspiciously like a horse. I keep the tools lying around somewhere, but I hardly use them anymore. Again, maybe I'll do something with them someday. No reason to let their potential go to waste, after all.

If I'm able to keep my train of thought, I'll keep this going. The third form of expression is, of course, the Musical Muse. I have two instruments--and to say I play them would be an exaggeration. I have a Cherry Red Epiphone Bass Guitar, and a piano of undetermined make (I still can't find the damn label!). The Bass if more for school related events--talent shows and such. I played the bass for a Paramore song with my 'band' at my last talent show. I stayed in the background, but I was proud of myself ^^ And my piano was just recently tuned, so hopefully I'll be playing it again. I record myself playing from time to time, but otherwise, She's pretty quiet.. I'm supposed to learn a few pieces by Christmas, but I'm not so sure that's enough time for someone like me XD I Procrastinate severely.

Anyways...I guess this had some semblance of coherent thought. Better than keeping it in my head all day. So, moving on to the commentables.

1. Do you have any instruments?
2. What's your favorite band and song? (Or just add the s's if you have multiple!)
3. What's your favorite genre?
4. Are you a potential artist?

Again, there will be more eventually...I think the next one will be on books.

June 7th, 2010 at 12:10am