Say something nice or just don't say anything at all.

People really don't realize that whay they say, may have a huge impact on someones life. They don't realize that what you say can make or break someone. What you say could be the motivation for something great in their life, or something terrible.

Just today I received my opinion paper I wrote for English. My teacher wrote 'Excelent work! You are a very talented writer.' That made my day. I literally had a dorky smile on my face for the rest of class. I also recieved 25/25. Full credit. SUCCESS!

But then again that was something positive. Think about the others who get called names and picked on, or even told to go kill themselves. People these days are just so mean. And it's sad. It's sad that some kids don't want to go to school because other kids are bullies. And it's sad that even adults get put through this.

Not everyones perfect. People have got to pick up on this, or the world will be hell for the next generations to come.

This just really bothered me. The other day my cousin told me a story which kind of made me want to, not to be rude, but punch her in the face.

I think what everyone needs to remember is that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Really if everyone did, people would be so much more happy.

June 7th, 2010 at 10:37pm