I find your ADD irritating, your sexual innuendos frightening and your teaching methods biased.

Certainly not you

So, I don't know if we've all had these kind of teachers before but I'll sum him up into a small censored paragraph.

My teacher, we'll call him Mr.G, does not teach us anything. I do not exaggerate at all, I honestly am not. We've watched videos, ALL year. Were these even videos from National Geographic, or some other educational source? No. They were rated R movies, like Glory, to name one. I mean, these were graphic scenes of people getting limbs blown off. His justification? "There is violence, violence is everywhere in the world, unlike sex." That, is complete bull. I will not walk down mainstreet on any given day and see someone getting decapitated. Will I see someone shagging on the corner? Probably not, but it's a lot more likely to see someone kissing than seeing someone fighting. Not to mention, he's given us answers to at least 4 questions on each test we've taken, which has easily been a whole 2. He believes "they are learning tools." That they may be, but how can we learn if you never teach us and always give answers? We can't, I go home every night and read out of the textbook, because I can't go into school next year clueless.

Aside from that, he has favourites. His favourites? Boys. You can tell, I get yelled at all the time for being "irresponsible" or not "performing at my full potential" While, I have straight A's and these boys do nothing but talk about guns, make sexual innuendos and scream profanities all day. I'm the irresponsible one? Right

A few days ago we (my friends and I) got so fed up with him, we took videos of the boys being crowded around his desk watching Youtube videos, kids wrestling, him giving answers. The best part? It was all during a 'test".

Today? He came up to my group and completely flipped out on us IN class. The rant went something like this "Thanks guys for taking videos of my class, that was a really fucked up, inappropriate thing to do. So yeah thanks for being jerks" he walks away to circle the classroom, then comes back "So, why did you guys do this? To get me in trouble? I've been fair to you guys all year and this is how you repay me? What are your thoughts? You guys are lucky I don't...." and he trails off. Saying nothing and walks away. YES, Mr.G you are completely fair by not teaching us, by singling us out, by being a sexist pig, and WE are the jerks. I understand.

My entire group of friends in this class are now terrified he will fail us for the year, terrified. He gives you grades based off of how much he likes you, and now? I doubt he likes us very much.

---- Sorry for the long journal, I needed to rant.

My questions
1. Have you ever had a teacher like that?
2. We were being the unfair ones in this situation?
3. How was your day? Better than mine I hope.
June 8th, 2010 at 12:40am