I'm a little worried.

I started writing this story called Long Lost Words. It's a ghost story, and three chapters are already up here on Mibba. I intended wholly to get this story published as a YA novel one day and now those hopes are a bit dampened.
Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight series, is writing her own ghost story now called Summer House or something. I read about it in a message from my friend who is a Twifan, and I about screamed. It's a similar plot, a girl who moves into a Victorian home that ends up being haunted. Except Meyer is a romance writer. I am a horror/sci fi type of person. Her character will probably end up falling in love with the ghost, while my character will be like a story on Haunted.
See what I'm afraid of is Meyer's loyal minions. She's an accomplished author already, and I'm but an amateur writer having fun with her hobby. Her book will be out way before mine, and I swear I'm going to get mail if I publish this story from her fans saying I copied her book and I tried to pawn off her story. No. See I wanted to write this story for 3 years now. I just started because I finally found the time to write it amid all my other stories.
So I'm a little bit on edge. So many girls love Meyer, so of course they'll defend her instead of the budding author struggling to get recognition for her first book. I do want this to be my first book. I don't want to publish my vampire series right off because of the craze going on about it.
Well, hopefully my ghost story doesn't take a beating from Meyer's minions when it finally hits shelves probably like a few years or more from now. And who knows, maybe she'll decide she doesn't like her ghost story and pitch it and work on that Host series my friend was also spewing about.
June 8th, 2010 at 03:00am