
I got the grade for my final in my Culinary shop back. And here I thought I was any good at what I did. I couldn't remember sanitation abbreviations for my life, and the danger zone? Oh, forget it. I did pretty bad for myself, so bad that my friend even got a laugh out of it. At least my crappy work has done something positive for someone.
I actually passed English by some sort of miracle. My teacher "lost" 7 of the papers I turned in this semester, and that changed my grade dramatically, the dumb ho.
But Geometry on the other hand...EPIC FAIL! And I don't understand, usually I'm good at Geometry, but halfway through the year he started teaching Trig and I was like WHAAAT!! So yeah, I have like a 50 as my final grade there and I have to get summer school packets so I can actually move on to Algebra 2 and feel like a bit less of a dumbass.
What really rubs salt in the wound is my best friend. Dear god, the SOB is a genius. He passed Trig with flying colors and is moving on to Calculus next year, while I pathetically get by on Algebra. He talks about his math classes as if it's a piece of freaking cake while I'm sitting there feeling like an idiot. He's super smart and I'm mathematically retarded. Sometimes I wonder if I'm smart at all, or if I'm even any good at anything. Nobody in my family has ever surpassed trailer trash, so I guess I shouldn't expect too much of myself.
Another blow to my ego is that my grandmother was always proud of me when she was alive. She thought I was smart and that I could do anything and everything, and that I'd make her much for that huh? I'm failing Geometry. Sorry grandma, but your granddaughter is pretty stupid. I feel horrible for letting her down, and I guess I'm a little pathetic for trying to please her still, 7 years after she left us.
Well life blows a little right now. I just feel like a retard cuz of my grades, and I don't know what to do. I try hard and I do my best...I guess it just isn't good enough for standardized grading.
June 8th, 2010 at 10:12pm