
What is Avenged Sevenfold to me?? They are the air I breathe, the world I see, the music I hear. The guys are so fucking amazing. The things they put in their lyrics, that shit comes from the heart. They aren't fake. When i hear the lyrics come out of M. Shadows' mouth, I can understand what he's trying to say. I love when I hear Synyster Gates or Zacky Vengeance do an amazing as hell guitar solo, I go and get lost in my own little world, a world i like to call Bat Country. Haha:). Johnny Christ is a kickass bassist. For what he lacks in height(sorry Johnny) he makes up for that in pure talent. And Jimmy. The amazing Jimmy. FoREVer I will remember you. Gone but not forgotten, your memory remains immortal. I miss you and I wish you were still with us but God must have wanted you so he could listen to you play the drums. May you rock in piece Jimmy<3. Avenged Sevenfold has changed my life. They're music has gotten me through so much shit. Now, this isn't just some temporary obsession, let me tell you that right fucking now. From the moment I heard Chapter Four, to this day, A7X has been my life. Ask anyone that knows me. And even with that, people still say I'm not gunna like them in a couple years. Bullshit. They don't know my life. They don't know how I feel. Which, I feel really strongly towards Avenged Sevenfold and each member. Look, I'm not saying that I'm A7X's biggest fan. Cause I'm pretty sure I'm not, but to me, its not a competition, its just for the love of Avenged Sevenfold. And that should be the only thing that matters. Anyways, Avenged Sevenfold just rocks my world. I've never heard of a band that is so optimistic with their music. They're not afraid to try new things, or add a little something. A7X has really gone through quite an evolution with their albums [STST, WTF, COE, A7X, DITR] They're all so different, but as each album is released, they each seem to amaze me more and more. I'm so curious and excited to find out what they're going to release next. As people, Avenged Sevenfold are really good at opening up to their fans. Just by watching things like All Excess, YouTube videos, the tour intros, the Making Of The Album, etc. has just really let me get to know who they are as people. And let me tell you, they are HILARIOUS! They really know how to put a smile on someones face. They're not afraid to be silly and joke around, which I love about them. They're so down to Earth. And they just know how to be themselves, and they don't let what anyone has to say thats negative get to them. Uhh! I could go on and on about how amazing they are. But I'll keep it short, or else no one will read the whole thing. And no matter how much I write here, even if you were to read it all, you would never understand. You would never understand how strongly I feel about Avenged Sevenfold. Now, you can call me obsessive, but I dont care. Cause I am. But on a much deeper level than others.
June 9th, 2010 at 02:27am