I am injured.

Hey, people!
Those of you that read my stories that is!
We've all been injured yeah?
"Ow! no mum i cant move my arm!" ever speak those words?
Thats what i was yelling all the way to the hospital! yeah.... so here's the news!
I'm sorry to tell you this but i'm not gonna be able to type my stories for a month.
I hurt my shoulder and i have to keep it in a sling, its suuuuuuuuuuuuucks. i am typimg with one hand right now btw, it's difficult. XP sorry for all th mistakes! My shoulder is absolutely killing me right now, so i'm gonna go take my pain killers and go to bed!
ZYdrate deams for me tonight!
Love to all of those that read my stories and like them! i need more subscribers please!!!!!!!!
June 9th, 2010 at 05:33am