Brand new hope/ glad it's over

Brand new hope:

Prom was amazing. I loved it! I can't believe it's over now, after all that buildup. There wasn't even a lot of time to dance, which I didn't like, but you can't have everything. Mostly I was just happy when the table sitting behind ours left and/or got kicked out. The throwing of the food was just not cool, as was the jeering at poor Brady.

It looked like he was going to cry, poor kid.

Speaking of poor kids, I really feel sorry for Stephanie and gang, seeing as all they have to talk about is other people's dresses and how ugly they were. I suppose it must be an insecurity thing, but I can't get over their behaviour.

Especially after Stephanie gagged while looking at Rebecca's (albeit unflattering) dress. I really cannot believe she would do it. I mean, we don't know her financial situation. Maybe she had to borrow it. Maybe her mom had to make it for her. Maybe it's been recycled from Grade 8 grad. There is absolutely no reason to get all worked up about how "bad" people looked. They thought they looked good, and they're just there to have fun. Exactly like us.

I had a lot of fun with Scott though. I like him a lot. Too bad he lives so far away. Too bad his university is like five hours from mine. Oh well. If something is going to happen between us (which I have a feeling it might) then it will. Just not now, because the timing isn't quite right.

And he does NOT look like Matt Damon. Matt Damon is like five kinds of unattractive, which Scott most definitely isn't.

Glad it's over:

I'm insanely sick of high school. Quite luckily, I only have about ten full days left before it's done. This means I only have about ten full days to deal with all the people I've grown to dislike, and about ten more days keeping me from hanging out more with the people that I have grown to love.

For the most part, I'm glad that I won't have to tolerate the people that make me feel like utter crap any longer. There was this whole discussion on the bus today about how even though I make people feel bad about themselves when it comes to science or math and it's completely unacceptable, but it's okay for the art kids to do the same.

Rochelle and Anthony both think that they're hot shit when it comes to their chosen domain (music and film, respectively) but all it is, really, is bravado, pretense and all around self-importance. Quite frankly, I'm sick of it.

He asked me why I think he's a douche bag, and I wasn't quite able to put it into words at the time, but here is essentially why. In music class, during any presentation in which someone talked about an idea or a technique that was considered experimental at the time, but is no longer considered to be so, he would put them down, and mock them thoughout their entire presentation. Yeah, sometimes Tomasz does the same thing, but he never uses a mocking tone, and he always manages to say it somewhat respectfully.

He's just obnoxious, and I can't stand him, and I really wonder whatever possessed me to think that it would be a good idea to date him.

I'm just glad that in about two weeks, I'll never have to see the bastard again.

Another thing that I'm glad to be over and done with: physics ISU.

It didn't completely work, but it didn't fail as hard as I had anticipated. It would have finished the race if I hadn't had my foot in front of the wheel, or if we had discovered earlier that the spring is meant to be unwound.


There are things that can no longer be changed, such as the way I felt during my entire first semester of AP English. Logically, I know that I'm not stupid. I just think a lot differently than they do, and so the things that are obvious to them may not make any sense to me. I can't change how people are going to treat me, but I can change how I react to it.

The best way to deal with the bus people: don't even look at or speak to them, because it's not worth the time and effort.
June 9th, 2010 at 10:31pm