5:54 AM, and I have an exam in a couple of hours.

i hate that when I'm pulling an allnighter, I want to sleep so badly and I'll end up passing out face first on my Macbook. Then when I need to be sleeping, I can't. My boyfriend left my house 7 hours ago, I was tired as hell when he was here but I haven't been able to sleep and I'm wide awake now. I went outside and walked around by myself for a while when it started getting light out, but then doing so reminded me of a scene from a horror movie so I came back inside. If you read my last journal you can probably guess why I'm so wired right now. Although, he did the same things I did and I'm taking it that he's sleeping like a baby. Hate him, but not really. I should probably be studying for my exam, but I really don't feel like it. I'll cram in a couple of hours when it is necessary. I want to sleep so badly. I hate this. I know I'm going to die of sleep deprivation this afternoon, probably during my exam. I just can't fall asleep though. I'm going to have such bad bags under my eyes, too. Ugh. This is so not fair, not before an exam. I can't focus during them in the first place, this will just kill me.
June 10th, 2010 at 12:01pm