I've got a smile on my face, but it's hiding the quite superstitions in my head.

Hello Mibba's :')

So, today, i finished my AS modules! Woo. I can't believe they're finally over. It seems like time is travelling past me at a zillion miles per hour! :')

Which brings me to my rant about time. Don't you hate the fact that you can't control it?

When i came out of my final exam i started thinking of how things have changed. This time last year GCSE's were the most important examinations in my life, but now it's A Levels.
My friends made me smile and i couldn't imagine how i would go through this year without them, but somehow i did.

Somehow, whilst this year progressed i lost my best friend. I lost the people i trusted and known for so long. I now look at them as strangers. I changed and began to realise that i never really fitted in with them . Sure, we have memories to look back on, but what good are they when they cause you to pine for those days again?

At the same time i think it's weird, how friendships slowly develop. Some of the people i've met this year are characters who i would have never said hi to whilst hanging out with my old friends. It's weird how who I used to see myself as being doesn't reflect back in the mirror anymore. It's weird how the guy you used to admire suddenly seems like a bag of dirt whereas your new friend is the rudest guy you've ever, yet you seem inclined to smile at anything he says.

In one way i wish i could control time. I wish i could slow it down and make those short clips in my memory last longer.
I wish i could go back and regain some of the friends i lost. I wish i had the courage to face the truth that the people who you think you love now aren't going to be there in the future. I wish sometimes that life wasn't so darn hard.

... sentimental moment there i know ^_^ but i thought i would write how i was feeling.

So tonight, i'm going to Alice's house to celebrate the end of exams. And when i say celebrate, i mean celebrate in Disney style. Tonight i'm relaxing and munching on glalores of sweets whilst watching some of the best Disney movies of all time!

I may not be able to control time, but i can control when my inner child comes out XD

So, if any of you's managed to read any of this emotion crap then give me your view on time and your experiences of changing your groups of friends. Also give me something to read... i'm bored! :')

"Time is priceless, but it’s Free. You can't own it, you can use it. You can spend it. But you can't keep it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back." Audrey Niffenegger
June 10th, 2010 at 06:29pm