Space Immobilized

While watching the new Star Trek movie, i came upon the part where Scotty mentions that he hadn't considered that space was the part that is moving. I did have a debate as to whether or not space was stationary and i was on the opposing side. I did not consider that he meant the membrane in which our universe exists was moving, an idea which i support. I would have to say that the relationship between the particles in our universe and the material in which the membrane is made is fixed. When the two membranes collided, the particles became central to that area, meaning that no, space is not stationary but the speed at which it moves is as insignificant as the speed at which our universe expands. In some instances, the infinitesimal movement of the membrane in relation to the universe is useful, in transportation of matter for example.
June 11th, 2010 at 01:33am