"I have noticed that very few people are scary, after they have been poked in the eye."

Hey, Mibba. :) It has been a while since my last journal, and I only have 9 minutes before my computer auto-logs off, so I will make this quick.

I am going to update my stories soon, I promise, and I don't know if anyone who reads them will even read this, but, whatever. Lol.

I have done almost nothing fun this summer. I went to one party, and I hung out yesterday with my friend. i have mostly been sleeping, listening to mucis, and lifting weights for football, but I will have fun this summer! I AM DETERMINED!!

I want you guys to whore me some stories, so I have something to do while I am stuck at home. Please no slahes, and only one MCR FanFic at most, per person. I love you guys for oing this, and if you want, you can go read my stories... I would greatly appreciate it. :)

Do any of you like the show Bones? I l;ove it. :D The title is a quote from it. :) Tell me about the shows you like, and ask me some other random questions.

I have a few other things to do before I log off, so I will cut this short, and I will post more ASAP. I promise. :D

You guys rock, especially you Bones, and All Time Low fans. :D

I'll talk to you all later, Byebye!
June 11th, 2010 at 05:56am