
I don't know what's wrong with me. When I try to tell someone it feels like the don't want to hear me no matter how loud I yell it in their ear. This feeling that I have of being in the ocean just letting myself sink to the bottom with no desire to come back up, while people are all looking down on me and just standin there. Like they're just wanting me to hurry up and go. In this screwed up world, everyone seems to think that there is a certain person you should act like and be, and if you're not or they don't like you the way they are then they toss you aside like you're nothing anyone should care about. I want to find a place where there is not wrong or right, because there isn't. Wrong and right are just based on everyone else's opinions. So how do we contiue to preach what is wrong and what is right? When there is no official answer? I can't tell you why i feel this way, because i feel it every day. I want to go back to my home, a place i've made for myself. Where I lay and feel lost inside. I can't find a place where i belong, no matter how hard i try. A place to dry my eyes, feeling broken inside. So i stay where i am and put on a fake smile to make everyone else happy, even though it's not who I am or who i want to be. It's not the real me, it's the role i play to make people happy.
June 11th, 2010 at 10:18pm