He hate's me now :o

hey guys...
no smiley face today :(

If you've read my previous entire, you'll know that I've been trying to stop liking a guy... Ryan.
well, I've asked MANY people, and almost all of them said that i should keep my distance from him.

today, I tried that. and I think it just ruined EVERYTHING.

I tried to ignore him, telling myself that he hurt me and that he's not worth it.

But he took it the wrong way, saying that I'm being a bitch for hating him for no reason.

So...heres the good news.
I don't like him anymore. I actually really hate him now for
1) being so ignorant about the fact that I liked him
2) telling me about his crushes and hurting me more and more everyday
3) getting mad at me for no reason.

Bad news: I think I'm breaking down...
I've actually cried 3 times since the fight. and I don't know why.
i mean... he's not worth it right?

anything to cheer me up?
I feel like a douche asking for support... but I don't want to go into depression because of some guy...
because when I become REALLY depressed, I become sick. like... fever sick, and mentally sick.
not good.

help? please?
I'm desperate here :/

thanks a bunches for reading ^_^
and I will love you forever if you can help... :/
June 12th, 2010 at 01:14am