On Intelligence

Oh Artificial Intelligence, oh Artificial Intelligence, where fore art thou Artificial Intelligence? It seems to be playing a very unproductive game of hide and seek. We have quantum entanglement, which could power a photonic brain (in the next couple of decades), but no clear ability to create a program capable of learning at the speed and depth human beings do. Not even with the common sense of a 5 year old.
For example, a 5 year old is told by his mother not to touch her glass of milk sitting on the table. The boy either takes the risk of spilling the milk or even worse breaking the glass and spilling the milk, or he waits for his mother to return to the room and ask her for his own milk. The processes as i would describe them, would be something alone these lines.
1) Quick, undetailed analyzation of the situation.
2) Analyze specific options.
1. Desire, how much the item is wanted and how much gain it will bring.
2. Compliance, emotional feedback received from the mother when she sees that he listened.
3. Fear of Punishment, and negative emotion feedback (also a quick determination of how severe the punishment might be).
3) Compilation of the points to come to a decision.

I could write a program designed to solve this problem a thousand ways, based on variable such as the mother willingness to accept apology. It would take along time, but my point is that these situation are dynamic and a much more "beautiful" program would have to be written. Instead of basing the program on values already determined, creating a program simply to learn, from positive and negative feedback from it's actions. This is much more complicated and why Cognitive Emergence Theory is a field that holds so much potential. Sensory input is being developed right now. Touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste are needed to learn.
June 12th, 2010 at 06:43am