New on here! :D

Hi My name is Bethany, Beth for short. I love to write and I purposely went looking for writing sites and found this play... and now i love it! His green eyes is one of my stories I have written, I have been working on it for a while after I saw this weird picture and got the story idea. :D

I have two best friends that I can go to for anything! Their names are Allie and Ellie. Allie is great she's interesting never a dull moment with her. Same with Ellie, but Ellie is much more hyper then Allie.

I guess you could say all my romance stories poems are based off a guy in my High school. His name I will not tell you because Allie will get on here and bug me to no end about me talking about him in my journal. What can I say about him? To me he is everything that I wanted in a guy, funny, nice, to me yes he is attractive (shut up Allie.) Much to my dismay I will admit that he is Jason in his green eyes, but his eyes are blue.

They say to make your journal meaningful but I don't know anything to say that would make it meaningful. What do i say, what do i talk about? About family, friends, life, do i rant to you? Like any of you would want to listen to me rant about my boring plain life. I'm a nobody, I'm that loner kid who sits in the corner writing and reading, the hopeless romantic to what friends i do have.

I love books and would love to have conversation about books any books mostly romantic book but yeah I'm open to other books! So yeah i guess thats all i have to say so yeah... bye!
June 12th, 2010 at 06:45am