
So lately there is a crap load of things going on in my life. And not good things.

Random strangers probably don't what to know about my problems, but I need to vent. So if no one ever reads this, that's fine, I just don't feel comfortable talking about it with the people in my life.

A few weeks ago i found out that my parents are split up. They've been split up since November 2009, and hadn't told a soul because of me and my siblings. They we're afraid that if they did openly split up, that we'd have to move again, after moving to where we live now just barely a year ago. Because if they divorce neither one of my parents alone can afford our house. So they've stuck together and even slept in the same room for almost 8 months and tried to ignore the tension for my brother, myself and my sister. The only reason I even found out is because my dad started dating-which was okay with my mom even though they're still technically married-because they're split up, and I happened to see it. I freaked out, thinking he was cheating on my mom and confronted him rudely, to sum it up I told him he was a scumbag and that I hated him. Naturally after that they had to tell me, and my older brother, but they haven't told my younger sister yet because shes 11 and has been very emotional/ill lately.

Which brings me to my next topic. Three days ago the blood tests my mom had done for my sister came back, they were positive for lupus. For anyone who isn't familiar with what lupus is exactly, its an autoimmune connective tissue disease. I know, big words. Basically your cells don't recognize other cells in your body and attack them like they would if it was a virus. In the past the disease was fatal, apparently now its treatable-although not curable. So they're doing more blood tests to make sure it wasn't a false positive before they start medicating her, because they also think shes bi-polar, and the medications 'apparently' clash.

And to add some unnecessary drama to my life my boyfriend is being a fucking jerk. We've been dating for a long time, so I'm used to him being a little insensitive because HELLO, hes a guy and no offense guys, but men think with their dicks. But in the last month, when my family is falling apart and my sister has been almost constantly sick, I really needed him, and he doesn't get it. He thinks I'm basically constantly pmsing and ignores half the things I say. I find myself having to constantly repeat myself for him to even realize I'm saying something important. I mean, I love him to death, we've been dating for ever, and I know he loves me too, hes just oblivious.

I don't know why I'm bothering to type this out, its not like it's going to matter to anyone else who will read it. I guess I just know that if I try to explain this to my friends who all have stereotypical nuclear families, they wont know what to say, and I don't want to darken they're lives with my crap. So even if no one reads this, or even know it exists, it helps to just put into words how overwhelmed I am, because I've been keeping it to myself for too long and I cant take it anymore.

I guess that's it, for now at least.
June 12th, 2010 at 07:02am