Pet Peeves

Hello Everyone :)

I got inspiration for this journal entry from GregoryGorgeous on youtube. If you haven't ever seen his channel, check him out! He does mostly makeup themed videos, but he is superr cute & hilarious!

-I hate hate hate hate slow, ignorant drivers. I am sorry, but if you are like 105, you shouldn't still be allowed to drive. Old people should have to retake their driving test once they reach a certain age.
-People who leave cupboard doors and drawers open. Ugh.
-When my relatives or teachers call me by my sister's name.
-Insects .. spiders are the WORST.
-Ignorant customers.
-When my mom calls to me and when I respond she doesn't say anything ... forcing me to seek her out and see what the hell she wants.
-People who mispronounce tylenol and breakfast.
-People who brake before signalling .. are you stopping or slowing down? make up your mindddd!
-Slow walkers

That is all that I can think of right now, but I am positive I have more.
Feel free to comment with your pet peeves :)
June 12th, 2010 at 07:31am