Starlights *sneek peak*

Transparent eyes stared into me, through me. I felt cold very quickly. I felt unsafe, exposed. All of my person thoughts, memories, past delts, all of them he could see. He was a part of me now, attached to me in a way that was forced upon me.

I've never been free of them. This whole time, I've thought they where my family, when really they where the enemy. I was a pawn lost of all since. My memories became only of use for pain, so where disposed of, causing me to trust the people closest to me. Causing me to trust him.

Loss began to consume me as I looked forward at my defeat. I was surrounded, my weaknesses exposed, and my energy was drained. " Good girl." Aro said, the words fell like poison off of his lips. Poison I'd already taken.

A cool feeling spread from my eye down. The tear fell from my chin, and onto my chest. It collected red as it fell, and added the color onto my already blood drenched caller.

My legs gave way wobbling, almost falling to the ground, but something caught me. Cold long fingers held my chin, then slowly curled around my neck. The long nails cut my skin as they moved, deep causing blood to slowly trickle down.

The grip tightened until my eyes blurred, darkening. My breath was hazed. Each beat of my heart began to slow down, and caused pain to coarse through each and every vain.

Why is everything like this, why did I have to remember, why did I have to be this mixed breed?

Aro laughed, the deranged sound made me cringe. His head lowered to mine. The soft brush of his hair touched my cheek. Cold breath puffed on my ear. " Because, you're a Cullen."
June 12th, 2010 at 07:30pm