The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

I really don't understand the significance of this new little novella. I mean really, what's the point of having it? I read Eclipse about 2 or 3 years back, and I remember Bree Tanner being there for maybe a couple pages and then getting brutally murdered. She isn't even a major character, and I for one paid no mind to the tiny role she played. So what is it? A little thing Meyer did out of boredom, or perhaps a money gimmick? Maybe something Little Brown told her to do? I don't know.
I look forward to reading a copy of this, straight from the hands of my Twifan friend Brittany, because I'm not wasting my money on it. Even though a dollar goes to charity. Which I think is a little weird. A 6 dollar book that only gives a dollar to a charity? It's not even part of the series technically, so why not fork over the entire profit? That's what I'd do. Meyer and Little Brown have raked in enough money anyhow.
But anyway, I'll be reading it soon, and I'm actually looking forward to it. While the Twilight series is far far from my favorite, I still am eager to see what Meyer has given us this time. Maybe it's better, maybe it's the same stuff and I'll get some lulz. Who knows.
I just don't understand. Why does this book exist? Why was it written? It had no major part to the story, except to show a bit of what went on behind the scenes, because the author didn't show it in her original novels.

Questions cuz I'm bored:
1. You guys like Twilight?
2. What do you like or hate about it?
3. Do you see the significance of the new book?
4. If so WHAT IS IT?
5. Vampires or werewolves?

Well I ran out of questions. Goodbye Mibbians and I will talk to you all later. Hopefully my rant made sense.
June 12th, 2010 at 08:12pm