Let it Be

I heard the most ridiculous thing just now on YouTube, and I really wanted to rant about it before I screamed.
I like the Beatles. Not necessarily a fan, but I do like the music a lot. They're a definite favorite of mine.
I was listening to Imagine by John Lennon on YouTube, which is not the Beatles, but it's still one of the members and I refer to him as a Beatle.
But anyway, I was listening to this and there was a comment saying that it would be a much better song if Justin Bieber re-did it. And I think I died a little inside.
I don't like Justin Bieber. I'm not into today's music, not at all. It's all machines doing the work for them and I don't like it. Justin is probably near the bottom of my list.
Now I don't care what you all like. Love what you want, because I can love what I want. But damn Lennon is a legend, and she's saying that a teenage boy (is he even that old?) can do something better than he has. It just irked me to no end.
She did the same thing on Hello Goodbye, same person, same singer. Except she was saying that the Jonas Brothers did it better because I guess they covered it?
So I'm guessing she's a troll. She's trying to get rises out of people and she sure as hell got those rises. Many viewers freaked out on her and she's probably laughing right now.
I refused to give her that satisfaction, so instead I am taking this irritation out here. Well now that I have ranted and gave my two cents, I'm okay. And I am willing to simply...Let it Be.
June 12th, 2010 at 10:39pm