Yet another literary annoyance

Yes, this is my third journal today, but this is annoying the crap out of me! Apparently there is a little girl named Gloria Tesch who wrote three books with 800 pages (font a whole inch tall) and has been proclaimed the youngest author in the world. I think that title may belong to Amelia Atwater-Rhodes to begin with. She was what, 13 when In The Forests of the Night was published? And I enjoyed that book, it was pretty awesome.
Gloria recently attacked a girl who didn't like her books and tried to fight her. How very professional.
I read a bit of it online, a small excerpt and I have to say this: I think I dislike it more than Twilight. Sure, Twilight blew in my opinion. But what I read seemed to be a cheap ass knock off of the LOTR battle, only with no real conflict. They were surrounded by a sea of soldiers ready to kill them all, then their leader let them go free. What the crap?
She made a book trailer too. What is that? A book trailer? I didn't know those existed! But it was shot on a green screen with pictures that seemed to be off google in the background. It reminded me a lot of the sword fights my brothers and I used to have with branches that fell off trees. Very unprofessional.
Oh, and a direct quote from someone she knew I think: "The mystical Maradonia is a world between worlds, a Technicolor place filled with more magic than Harry Potter could shake his wand at."
Little bit snarky I'd say. I saw a map of her Maradonia land, and it looked a lot like that map in the front of all the J.R.R Tolkien books. And she had named her cities and such off the top kind of names. Like she had thrown down whatever had come to her head first. The font was small and cramped, so I pray I'm wrong, but one of the places was called Terra-Milli-Vanilli. So if my eyes were correct, she named a city in her book after a band that couldn't sing. Okay then.
I can't even take this stuff seriously. For what I've seen and read, this series isn't getting off the ground.
And what bothers me is that she has 6 books. SIX! And she's 14. Not much effort must have gone into all those books. I'm going to end up reading it so I can say more about it and not go off half cocked and not know what I'm saying, but all I can say is I'm not expecting much at all, and...wish me luck in this perilous literary journey.
June 13th, 2010 at 02:13am