This is my song.

Title: Ever Endinq Love
I see you in my face, Don't you know you're a disgrace,So why don't you make your dream come true, and stop leaving me always blue,I'm falling in the arms of grace, why don't you see the tears running down my face,I'll be your beautiful disaster, you'll be my slave, i'll be your master,
I'll be your beautiful disaster, you'll get scared as i drive faster.
I'll Take you to the place where they lay their dead, we'll slowly lock hands and bow our heads, and drink from the cup that brought us together, we'll fly through the heavens,together, forever.
[Repeat Chorus]
Once were there, there will be no fear, white light comes as death draws near, Pinch of prayer, ounce of fate, lim afraid your loves to late.
Flash of blade, breaking skin, Crimson runs as death sets in.
June 14th, 2010 at 06:44pm