Dear life; why so serious???

"Turn away, because I'm awful just to see." - MCR
This is Tiffany Amber itis 3:00pm.....and I am:
Listening to: GREEN DAY
Talking to: NO ONE

Dear Tiffany Amber,
You are stupid, your personal rules have ruined your life. You are fat, deal with it! You're not going to lose weight, and you will never have a boyfriend. Cut it out with the make up because it wont make your fat round face look any better...and stop wearing shorts, your legs are wrinkly and gross. You are too positive sometimes, and you should stop putting pictures of yourself on Myspace, Facebook etc. because you will never get compliments. You are a mess of a person. You are bi-polar, and very very clumsy! You are too obsessive, and too imaginative. NONE OF THAT CRAP WILL EVER HAPPEN. Stop writing stories, people dont like to read them, they laugh the whole time. Oh, and you SUCK at math.
Buh bye now.

Love....i mean Hate, yourself

You know those letters you used to write to people you hate, then crumble it up and throw away, just to get your feelings out? This is mine to myself, but I cant crumple it up, and I cant throw it away. I dont know why I'm feeling so depressed, I'm just tired of people being so mean. I try my hardest to be nice to them, and well, frankly its just too hard sometimes. I cant believe I broke my camera though. I will seriously like, scream if it doesnt work. UGHUGHUGHUGH!!!! The only picture I can see on there is the one of me and Baylee<3 and the rest are all lost in a dark abyss of clumsy Tiffanyness.

Ugh, I cant believe i got a D+ in math! I got A's and B's in every class, and then a D IN MATH! A D! I used to be a 4.0 student!!!!

Well loves, welcome to my life.
June 15th, 2010 at 12:06am