The incredible power of a burning relationship.

It's like playing with fire, having a burning relationship. You must expect random flares at any moment. You must roll with the flames, whether it be a blaze one moment, or dying embers the next. You must prepare for that friendship to burn out of control at any whim that the fire might have. And in the end, you end up dousing it with your tears in a seemingly endless effort.

But when it's all said and done, you come back, kick around in the charred ashes, and realize you were stupid to think that it would go normally, as any expected friendship would. And it dawns on you that there are better things to do, than play with fire. Sure at first, the burns leave a mark. In time, though, the grass starts to grow again, and life starts anew, for the better.

Sometimes life seems unfair. Have you ever thought it was just God turning over a new leaf for you?
June 15th, 2010 at 05:39am