So, I'm getting professional help

I'm going to get professional help from a counselor at Richland College for my... whatever it is.
I asked my professor to tell me what building to go to, and what room so I can get some help... I've got like, issues with change, and issues with giving up, and issues with not being perfect, but I don't what to do anything to improve, because I don't want change. Well, I don't want some kinds of change. I re-arrange my room every few months, but when I started College, it was a struggle to get out of bed (I had been home-schooled before). Then now that school is out for the summer, I don't know what to do with myself. At first I spent all my time on mibba commenting on people's journals, then I became obsessed with controlling my girlfriend (that didn't last long cause I do whatever she wants, I can't help it!), then I gave up and started reading all the time. and now, I can't sleep. I'm bored. I'm scared. I'm depressed, and I want someone to tell me that it all goes back to when my Daddy raped me. So, I'm getting some professional help from a school counselor.

Interesting, eh?

This isn't a full history, but maybe I'll post some updates every so often...
June 15th, 2010 at 05:48am