3 Days!

I'm so excited! Just three more days till I get my new super cool computer!

That's right, my school is giving us FUJITSUs!!!!!!!!!!! This means: 360 degree swivel screen; built-in camera; stylus pen (I can write on it); PLUS it's a freaking TOUCH SCREEN!!!!!

Oh my gosh!

On Friday, I'm getting mine!!!!

Ok, that subject is running out of steam, so new subject.

I've had some weird dreams the past few days.

One of these interesting dreams was sort of set in the swampland of my homestate. I was with my cousin Alyssa and we were hanging out with these two guys who were our ages. We went on this big raft-boat thing and started moving through the swamp. Then, we got to the Mississippi, then eventually I think we even got to the mouth and the Gulf of Mexico. It was crazy, but the guy that was my age kept comforting me since I was kind of afraid of falling off into a gator's mouth and dying. It was fun.

The next one was set at my school, where there was apparently a sort of vampire support group club. Two of my four seniors were in the club. In fact, they were the president and vice president of this club. Well, I happened to stumble upon one of their meetings after school, and some of the more vicious vampires wanted to eat me, but my seniors made up this story about me being a young vampire still going through "the Change". Then, the teacher-sponsor dude went out into the hallway and made some crazy stuff happen. There was like a sandstorm kind of thing going on. There were animals and people flying by the window. Then, this random girl flew into the room and bit my wrist, slurping. Well, the president of the club somehow made her and me switch bodies . Then, she, in my body, disappeared, and I woke up before anything else cool could happen.

Then, last night, I had a dream that I transferred to my school's rival school. Well, I kept losing my schedule and my locker number and it was the usual new kid day. But, at one point I was checked outof school for a little while. When I got back, I thought I had to get ready for PE. I was already changed when I realized I had Theatre class during the fall semester, so I had to change back to my full dress uniform and I couldn't find my blazer. Then, I found it and I couldn't find my booksack and stuff. I was looking for those when I realized I was now going to school with my friend from my real school who actually did have to transfer and so I started fishing through my stuff for my phone to let her know. By the time I realized I could stop looking for my stuff and go to class, I had woken up.

I have a strange mine, in my opinion. What do yall think?
June 15th, 2010 at 06:35pm