Why I Love Fantasy.

It’s no mystery that I LOVE fantasy/adventure, whether it be in games, books, movies, comics, etc. However, I never really explained WHY I love it so much. Well, I think it’s about time that I do, since I’ve been praising the genre so much (not that I’m dissing other genres, mind you. For instance, I love Lovecraft’s works). Well, the reason why I love fantasy/adventure so much boils down to one thing…
Wish Fulfillment.

THAT, is THE reason why I love the genre so much. I suppose it stems from how absolutely boring and droll this world is. Where are the vast, mysterious, uncharted lands? Where’s the adventure? Where’s the magic? Seriously. Where are the epic heroes? The monsters? Why is it we have none of these? Why? Why am I stuck in such a dull, wholly uninteresting world? Why am I just another face in the crowd? Why is it that I am some ordinary schmuck that no one could give a dam about except for a few select friends and family?

I mean, in the world of fantasy, you have magical, exotic lands full of mystery and wonder. You have locations such as these:







Seriously. Why is it that this world doesn’t have such beautiful locations such as these? I mean, we do have our share of lovely forests and mountains and all. But, they lack mystery, wonder, and they’re hardly exotic. Plus, where’s the adventure? We’ve explored all that there is on earth. We all ready KNOW what’s out there. I mean, sure, there’s space, but I’ll be dead and buried by the time THAT happens. In the world of fantasy/adventure, you have hundreds of mysterious, magical, and fantastic locations, full of surprises and dangers. There’s ADVENTURE.

That’s another reason why I like fantasy. The adventure. I would LOVE to travel unknown, exotic lands fraught with magic and danger. I would LOVE to face monstrous beasts and evil wizards with a sword by my side. But, alas, it will never be. Why? Because if I DO go on an adventure, my folks would get worried sick, and they’ll call the police, the sheriff, whatever, to haul my ass back. Unlike in the world of fantasy, where you’re FREE to travel wherever, whenever you want. Why? Simple, you’re an adventurer. What I would GIVE to experience that! I could travel the world right now, but again, I’m too damn young, and it costs MONEY. Which I have none of, unfortunately. What I’d give to go on an epic adventure…

Going back to monstrous beasts. In this world, there’s no doubt that we have some pretty dangerous animals. But, again, just have a look at these:





Again, why is it that this world is depraved of such awesome beasts? I would love to encounter such creatures when I travel the world. Maybe slay a few as well. Finally, I also wish I was an epic hero. Whenever I read of Jeanne D’arc, or Beowulf, or Lord of the Rings, or whatever, I often wonder why I’m not as great as the heroes depicted in them? Instead, I’m this scrawny specimen of a man, who, in the grand scheme of things don’t matter. I WANT to be an epic hero. I WANT people to sing of my deeds, I WANT people to look upon me in awe and praise me as a fearless hero. I HATE being just another face in the crowd, just some random citizen. I know, it sounds selfish, and I shouldn’t do good deeds for the sake of glory, but still…

Well, there you go. THAT’S why I love fantasy so much. It allows me to escape into worlds that’s infinitely better than the rock I’m living on. I love to picture myself as the heroic main character as he saves the world, and wins the heart of a beautiful maiden. That is, until some idiot interrupts my reading and snaps me back into a cold, harsh, listless reality. I suppose that’s the drive behind me wanting to be a writer. It’s so I can create worlds I would LOVE to live in, write adventures I would like to have. But, out of ALL the possible worlds out there, why was I born in this one…

Anyways, I’d love to hear your thoughts, I’m in the mood for an argument (as long as it’s kept civil of course).

P.s. Can I at least be able to cast magic, world?
June 15th, 2010 at 07:19pm