Should cigarettes be illegal? (Say no and help me with my speech!)

Yes, I'm 18 and still a junior in high school. And yes, my teachers are still giving me projects even though school ends Friday. But the point is, I need help with my speech about why cigarettes should (still) be legal in America.

I think cigarettes are fine. No, I don't think that they're not a "smart" or "good" idea. Actually, my great grandmother died from emphysema even though she didn't even smoke. Everyone around her did, though (this was back when they didn't know the dangers of it) and all of the second-hand smoking got to her.

But now that we know the dangers of smoking, I think that people have to take responsibility and make their own decision on whether or not they still want to pick up that habit. I don't think it's the best idea, but if you want to smoke, go ahead. I couldn't care less.

And that's basically it. I am okay with them being legal and 18 year olds being able to buy them. Second-hand smoking is very limited because of all of the restricted smoking areas. There's only a little risk for that.

But my speech has to be three to five minutes long - which is pretty short, actually. But I'm having trouble getting started. Do any of you have any ideas or opinions? Even if you want them illegal, I'd like to hear some opinions. I could still use them in my speech, maybe.

Thank you. (:
June 15th, 2010 at 11:02pm