Hello my fellow Mibbians! How is everyone doing on this lovely evening? I myself am doing well, and feeling pretty content with my life. As some of you may know, this week is Be The Change week, which is all about supporting positive in the way members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community and their supporters are treated.
As some of you may know, and for those of you who don't I am Bisexual. My story, though painful, is not as tragic as some. I discovered that I liked girls, in the same way I liked boys when I was 9 years old. I didn't experience the confusion that some speak of, right away I understood. I got it. It was never an issue, until other people told me it should be.the few friends I told were accepting, and after a while, I felt that coming out more publicly would be a good idea. It turns out, not everyone got it, not everyone was accepting. I experienced vicious name calling and rumors, simply for being me.
Now what was the point in telling you all of this? Well for one, it's a good intro to my upcoming rant, and for two, it helps explain why I feel so passionately about homophobia.
This rant is about parents raising ignorant, close minded children. I do not at all understand why people are still raising their children in homophobia. Why do so many people shelter their children, and bring them up to be so hateful and stupid. I grew up knowing that hate and judgment were wrong, that calling someone a name for being the person they were was wrong, and that using words like fag and homo, were WRONG! It baffles me, that in this day and age, my stepbrother is being raised without being taught these things, that he is not punished for using gay as an insult, and that I am not allowed to talk about being gay around him. What the fuck!?!? He is growing into an inconsiderate, stupid homophobic jerk, and he's only 9. He is plenty old enough to understand. God damn it, I was younger than him when i realized I was gay, he can at least learn to respect people who are. He is old enough to learn the impact that his words an actions have on other people. I have experienced way too much pain because of the words that have been thrown at me to be OK with allowing any more kids to have to fee the way I have. It enrages me to know that he is being taught that it is OK to be close minded, that throwing insulting and demeaning terms around like nothing. I was raised better, and I find it very difficult to have respect for a woman who will allow her child to grow up so ignorant.
Well, I have said my piece, I'm done for now. if you are a parent and reading this, please don't let your kids become homophobes, please.
Goodnight all.
Arriana Glory Lee-Page
June 16th, 2010 at 04:38am