WOW. Toy Story 3/my night.

That movie was AMAZING. I just got home from the midnight premiere..

Well, we sidetracked after the movie to get Burger King and they forgot the fries..D: So we had to go back and get them, haha.

Now I'm at home watching Toy Story 2 comparing it to Toy Story 3. Yeah, TS3 can't be beat.

Tonight was actually really fun. I went to the movies with my friend, her brother, and our friend's brother, who I haven't met until tonight and wow..he is so freaking cute!<3

But yeah, we arrived at the theater at about 11:20pm, then the boys played in the arcade until 11:58pm then we ran to the theater, and guess who got to sit front row? (: Yeah, us.

Lmfao, but I snuck the glasses up my sweater sleeves after we left, so I now have a new pair of nerd glasses :D

But I liked today, I am really tired though. It just hit 3am.

But TS3 was epic cute. I cried at the end, but yes. It was the best animated movie I've seen in years.

Question: Will you be seeing TS3 in 3D or just regular anytime soon?

I highly recommend you do see it, you won't be disappointed! (:

Well, that's it from me. Gooodnight(:
June 18th, 2010 at 10:02am