Ah, memories.

I've been on this website for about two years now. I've gained a number of friends (and lost most of them), finished only one story, and written too many poems to count.

I've really grown out of this website- when I first joined, I had a completely different perspective on life, a lot of things in life, friends, trust, etc. etc. But slowly, I started to change my perspective and mature into the person I am now. I'm still maturing, but that's a little beside the point. I haven't the concern or interest to finish the stories I've written on here nor do I have any interest in finding new friends here.

In case you're worried, I'm not going to delete my Mibba. I'm just going to be off of it for a long time. I may pop back up every once in a while, but I really can't just keep this on. If you still want to contact me or read any stories, you can go [url="http://andlifetriedtoo.tumblr.com/"]here[/url]. (If you're close to me, you can ask for my personal tumblr there.) The reason I'm posting new stories there and not on Mibba is that I feel unwelcome here. Mibba feels like my past; I can't just enter my past all over again and start shoving in new things. Or does that not make sense? Haha.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I am no longer going to be on Mibba or updating stories on Mibba or anything of the sort. Like I said before, I may visit every once in a while, but don't expect me here.

Thank you for reading this and thank you to all of my friends that I got from here. This place definitely made a mark.
June 18th, 2010 at 03:05pm