Sooo, it's raining. My *deep* thinking (Oh and any suggested reads?)

So, I'm really bored tonight and as anyone in the mid-west has probably experienced today, they'd notice it was raining a lot.

Today, I was thinking so much. My niece has been exhibiting early signs of depression,
crying all the time, she tells me she's going to cut herself, hurt herself. She's only seven,
so you can see why this is nothing normal. I mean, she doesn't even understand what she
is saying completely, but she does it when she's sad or upset.

I also was thinking about how strange I have felt ever since Parry told me what this woman said to him once. He said she was saying how unnatural this whole world was. How we drive around in metal machines, at high speeds across the ground, which really is not as straight as it seems. She said that animals are on leashes, when they are supposed to be wild, and yet it's normal for us. It's normal for us to do things that were so unnatural.

You know, to be honest every single one of us are murderers. No, don't say you are not. You are just as guilty as I. How much water does your shower take? How much does your family spend on groceries, yet claim that is not even enough. How much do you throw out a month? The average lower class family, how EXPECTS their food to be free, with food stamps, government aid, spends over 200 a month on food, yet I've heard of up to 1000. Now, you tell me, how it's possible for less than 20 dollars a month, a whole family could survive a month on food. How is it that this is going on? Do people really feel this is just, okay? That they overindulge at the expense of another. It's not even that much of a sacrifice. If every family in america was WILLING to give just 20 dollars a month, THAT ISN'T A LOT, we could greatly reduce world hunger. I mean, it'd virtually be non-existing.

Say every family in america gave 5 dollars a month, we'd get rid of child prostitution in Asia. Does that sound like something bad to you? Does that take away from your starbucks? Your credits on IMVU? Your five new pair of sandals from Old Navy? Come on, what are you all really doing with this money? Tell the truth!!

In fact, thinking back over the past month. Is there not a way that you could have spared only 5 dollars, to go to a good cause?

I'm waiting....

It's embarrassing really, isn't it?

That our country pays children 3 cents an hour to slave away in factories in china. It's quite shameful, that nearly all the worlds diamonds are blood diamonds. You wont be lucky enough to even see a pure one, in your life-time. (For most people.)

What is going through your heads, as you read this? That you could walk around the corner to get a soda at the corner store instead of driving? Guess how much emissions we'd cut back on if everyone in the world just turned their cars off for a day. I bet it'd be the clearest night sky you'd ever seen. That's for sure.

How embarrassing is it that we are the most greedy country in the world?

Does that make everyone feel good?

That we kill thousands every day, just to have all these materialistic things, that wouldn't make a difference to some people if they had them. Some people just need life. Do you understand that? To have the audacity to say that they were put on this Earth by a God, to live that way? To be born and never know what food tastes like? To never be able to go to school, even if it's just to learn how to survive?

That's thoughts today...
June 19th, 2010 at 06:05am