Maybe things are meant to be complicated?

You know things are bad when your reliance interferes with your alliance. When you reliance is drugs and your alliance is friends. So many people are now having this issue. How are you to feel about this? How are you to go about fixing it? The problem is, I really have no idea.
This all started when I got two of my best friends high for the first time. Ever since, we have all loved to party. Weed, weed, weed. But what am I to do when one of them does it at a constant rate? The truth is, we all probably would if we could. Well, all of us except maybe two. Either way, my friends have a serious potential to fall apart.
It doesn’t help that me and Mike are both prescribed to Aderoll. This is a medication for A.D.D patients. We have both formed addictions around it, and when we don’t take it have serious with-drawls. So, we tend to be careful not to run out or forget to take it. Well, as you can guess this aroused many questions within our friend group. Like, what does it do? Can you get high off of it? What are the side-affects? Will it help me lose weight? Of course, we felt it our obligation to answer these questions. But in doing so, we also helped our friend to become addicted herself, without actually having a prescription.
I can’t help but to feel this may be partly our fault. If only I could tell her I felt this way, but that would make me a hypocrite considering I have a very off and on abuse with it, myself.
Not to mention I have just recently gotten myself off Hydrocodone, more commonly known as Vicodine. It’s not a good thing, nor am I proud, but it was definitely very difficult. Sometimes I just don’t know what to do. Too many people are getting into too many things.
June 19th, 2010 at 06:25am